Saturday, 22 September 2012

The Day Before The 1/2 Marathon

Wow, what a journey! All these little moments put together that happened before brought me to this big one. Surprisingly, I'm more happy and excited than nervous. I really just can't wait to run tomorrow! I know I will have tones of fun, I know I will suffer, I know I will have to push bounderies that I have never pushed before, I know I will cry, smile, but I also know that in the end, it'll be all worth it. I know I will be so proud of myself and after that, I will want to run other 1/2 marathons for sure. I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow but no matter what, I know that at least one person's life will be affected positively. Olivier, this one's for you.

1 comment:

  1. T'as pas le droit de me faire pleurer!
    Je t'aime ma grande et te souhaite une superbe belle course à la hauteur de ta personalité et à la grandeur de ton coeur!
    Mum xxx ♥♥♥
